Posts Written By L Parker Brown

Final Bid on Casey Anthony Halloween Mask $1M

What is scarier than coming face-to-face with Freddie Krueger, the fictional character from the Nightmare on Elm Street horror film series? It is the thought that someone on EBay laid out nearly $1 million dollars for a Casey Anthony latex Halloween mask. Some believe that the 100 plus bidders may have been fake, but reportedly they all have legitimate EBay accounts. According to HLN and Tampa Bay Online the winning bid was actually $999,900. Not only is that really scary, it’s sad.


Is Lady Justice Blind or Just Cockeyed?

How much faith can one have in a court system that frees an Orlando, Florida woman, who by all evidence was partly or entirely responsible for the disappearance and subsequent murder of her own two year old child, then convicts a mother in the death of her 4 year old who was struck and killed as the mother jaywalked with her three children across a busy street while trying to get home? 

Raquel Nelson, the 30 year old, Marietta, Georgia pedestrian was convicted of reckless conduct, improperly crossing a roadway and second-degree homicide by vehicle, while the driver of the van who killed Nelson’s son and injured the mother and another child, admitted that he had been drinking and using painkillers before getting behind the wheel got six months on a hit-and-run charge. What they hey???

After more than 125,000 people joined in an online petition campaign asking for mercy, Judge Kathryn Tanksley handed Nelson a year’s probation, ordered 40 hours of community service and offered her a new trial.

The suburban mother who appeared on NBC’s Today’s show twice this week said, “There’s a part of me that doesn’t want to go through this again,” then added that she is weighing her options.


The PC of Lying

I recently saw a movie titled, The Invention of Lying. Although it is classified as a comedy, I didn’t find much humor in the 2009 film. A few scenes made me chuckle, but overall I thought the movie was boring and just plain silly. In that film world no one ever lies. Everyone tells the truth and says exactly what they are thinking. When the main character, Mark, finds himself at wits ends after being fired from his job and watching his life slide downhill, he decides to do something different to improve his life. He tells a lie – the world’s first lie. Since no one in the universe is familiar with lying, people believe everything that Mark says and he soon begins taking advantage of his newly acquired skill. Nice stretch of the imagination, but the movie left me wondering how the real world would be if everyone told the truth all the time. 

The film gave me cause (yet again) to think about the downside of political correctness, an apparent good idea run amok. Now it has become a game that no one wants to play anymore, but everyone is being forced to participate to avoid being tagged out. You frequently see the absurdity of PC exposed on live TV programs, you hear it from politicians at public forums, and you even feel it when you and your peers hesitate to candidly express your thoughts, because you don’t know what reaction you will receive if your thinking does not align with theirs.

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