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Funerals and Family Reunions

The Funeral by Ellis Wilson

Since returning from the recent funeral of my beloved Aunt Sarah, I have been thinking a lot about funerals and family reunions. For all practical purposes funerals are held to pay respect, to remember, and to give a formal send-off to a loved one. Some families arrange the service to be a vibrant, joyful home-going, while others acknowledge the occassion with a solumn, low-keyed ceremony. Nevertheless, I don’t know a soul who enjoys attending funerals.

In spite of the undesirable circumstances, a funeral creates an opportunity for extended family members, who might not otherwise see each other, to get together. In some ways it is a spontaneous family reunion. Families that live far away from the funeral site fly in or drive long distances to get to there. Then, they stay only long enough to attend the service and depart as quickly as they arrived. Consequently, the short trip leaves little time for socializing. And invariably before the groups of mourners disperse, someone can be heard telling others,

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Bboomersnet has a new look.

Don’t be fooled by the new look. You didn’t make a wrong turn in the blogosphere. You have clicked and arrived right where you should be. We just have a new theme, courtesy of my very talented grandson, Kalan, the artist extraordinaire. (No, that is not him in the picture.)

I am a Boomer and proud of it!  I loved the sixties and seventies and wanted a theme more representative of the decade. So whallah!

Back in the day, Boomers made our fashion statement in bell bottom pants, go go boots, mini-skirts, psychedelic prints, dashikis, colorful headbands and large hoop earrings. And let’s not forget the hair of varied lengths and styles and big afros. My favorite musical in those days was about a group of hippies living in the Age of Aquarius and singing about – among other things – Hair