Posts Tagged ‘youth’

Youth Obsessed Society

Yet another cute, talking baby was featured in an E*Trade commercial during last February’s Superbowl game. The eerie thing about commercials featuring babies and young children acting as adults is that it is an uncanny reminder of our youth obsessed society. Don’t get me wrong. I really get a kick out of seeing the live and computer-generated babies, especially the Evian roller skating toddlers. They rock!  But whenever I see one of those commercials it reminds me of the 1968 movie Wild in the Streets. If you never saw it, it is a satire about the 1960s youth movement. In the film, not only is age 30 considered over-the-hill, it becomes the mandatory retirement age; and everyone who crosses that threshold is taken to a concentration camp. Now that’s all I’ll tell you about the plot. If you want to see the movie, rent it or you may be able to find it on one of the cable channels. Just be prepared – by today’s movie standard it will probably bore you to tears. And remember — today anything is possible.