Posts Written By L Parker Brown

Jury Duty – Part III of IV

Once inside the jurors’ lounge some of us prefer to seclude ourselves from the other strangers – as best we can – by taking a seat against the wall. I rush to grab a seat close to the rear of the room, near the corner, where there is a wall to the left of me and another directly behind my chair. The room begins to fill up quickly with about 300 other prospective  jurors – or if you prefer – civic duty draftees. Then the real fun begins.

I glance around the room to see if I recognize anyone I know. I don’t.  A few people are chatting on their cell phones and some of them are talking loudly enough to be heard by people sitting across the aisle. Someone coughs, another person sneezes and snorts, making me wonder how many pneumonic germs I am inhaling and whether the chill from the air conditioner will kill their germs before they reach my nostrils.

After allowing adequate time for the stragglers to arrive, the court clerk comes into the room at 9 a.m. and gives the standard spiel informing us about the service we are about to render. “You are here blah, blah, blah.”  I zone out during her brief monologue, because I have heard it all before. Then, before exiting the room she turns on the overhead TV screens so that we can view a 15 minute jurors’ instructional video that, among other things, asks jurors not to talk on their cell phones while in the lounge.  

As recently as two years ago, which was the last time I was called to serve, the instructional video was followed by a movie.  I clearly remember the film was The Secret Life of Bees.  Even though I had seen the film in the theater, it was worth watching again. So, instead of “doing my time” reading, I prepared to enjoy the movie. That enjoyment was soon curtailed by a know-it-all sitting behind me and telling the person unfortunate enough to be seated beside her everything that was about to happen in each scene. I found myself wondering is there anyone else besides me wishing that mouth almighty would shut her face?

I read somewhere that you do not need any special skills, knowledge, or education to be a juror. Judging by some of the people you see and hear in the lounge, there is no question about that. [To be continued in Part IV.]


Jury Duty – Part II of IV

I arrive at the courthouse 30 minutes early and upon entering the building – and before being instructed by the first security officer to do so — I remove my coat and put it and my purse on the conveyor metal detector. I also empty the pockets of my black jeans and place my house keys and cell phone in a small basket before entering the walk-through metal detector. I know the drill. Once on the other side, I am greeted by a second security officer who asks me to “Extend your arms.” I do as I am told and he waves a scan wand in front of me and then says “Turn around, please.” And he wands the back. “Thank you, mam.”

Collecting all my stuff, I take the escalator to the floor where the jurors’ office is located. I know exactly where the room is, because I have done this routine too many times before. I also know that the sign-in desk doesn’t open until 8 o’clock; another 20 minutes, so I walk pass the office and take a seat nearby, in one of the numerous empty chairs that line both walls of the corridor. A number of other early birds are already seated.

Any experienced juror can easily identify the first timers when they arrive on the floor. The newbies come off of the escalator wearing a serious expression, and after looking at the room number on the summons and then back at the number outside the jurors’ office they walk away from  the office, because the number on the wall does not match the number printed on the summons. For whatever reason, it has been that way for years.

The novices, believing that they are at the wrong room, proceed to the opposite end of the long hallway, checking each room number as they pass. At the far end of the corridor, they arrive at the open double doors that have “Jurors’ Lounge” in large letters affixed above the doors. The confused jurors-to-be peek inside the lounge and seeing that the room is empty they turn around and retrace their path. Walking back toward the escalators and carefully checking each room number again, they ultimately arrive back at the sign-in office. Because the number on the wall outside of the office is different from the number on the summons, they assume that they are at the wrong room.

Those of us seated along the walls watch them parade back and forth a couple of times and we wonder when they will figure out what we seasoned jurors already know – that they actually have arrived at the right place. Eventually, the newbies will ask someone for directions or just figure it out themselves; then, perhaps feeling slightly embarrassed, they take a seat and wait – like the rest of us.  

At 8 o’clock sharp the clerk announces over the PA system, “Ladies and gentlemen. Please form a line. When you reach the counter, have your summons and a photo ID in hand.”  We veteran jurors rush toward the front of the line so that we can register and hurry to the lounge, because we know that the first ones into the lounge get their seat of choice.

Once in the sign-in room, I hand my summons and driver’s license to the clerk whose face I cannot see, because she is short and the large computer monitor on the counter is blocking her head. She asks me to confirm my address and phone number. Apparently, satisfied that I am not an imposter – Who would want to be? – the clerk gives me a badge holder and a sheet of paper with FAQs on one side. On the reverse side of the page, near the top, is a statement informing jurors how much we will be paid for our service. Below that are the Evacuation Procedures. Considering the perilous times we live in, you never know when you might need the latter information. The clerk dismisses me with the instructions, “Report to the Jurors’ Lounge. You will be called by your last name and juror number.”  [To be continued in Part III.]


Jury Duty – Part I of IV

Whoever said that time does not stand still obviously has never been called for jury duty. I have been summoned so many times that I have lost count. Once I was even unlucky enough to get chosen to serve. Yes, I said it. Unlucky. This is not a court of public opinion. You claim your luck and I’ll claim mine.

Those of you who have been summoned for jury duty know that it is primarily a waiting game that begins after you arrive at the jury office and sign in. If you have never been commanded to serve and are anticipating doing so, then whoppi-do for you. Perhaps you envision being a juror on the trial of a famous – or infamous – personality like Casey Anthony or Conrad Murray. Think possible sequestering. Think press-hounding. Think again.

However, if you are not counting the days before you get tagged, but are curious about the procedure, then let me give you an abbreviated version of Jury Duty 101 — in my town; highlights of the process of being summoned. Selection to actually serve on a jury will be another post for another day.

For adamant objectors — what may be your first clue that it is going to be a bad next few weeks begins when you take the jury summons from your mailbox. Oh, snap! The official document shows a time and date in the not too distant future, when you are expected to report to the courthouse. It also contains a Juror Qualification Form that includes several questions inquiring about your age, citizenship, employment status, and whether you are a felon. Rest assure that Big Brother already has the answers to those questions. Regardless, you are required to answer them honestly and then mail the form back in the prepaid envelope.

I received my most recent summons about six weeks ago, followed the instructions for returning the form, and showed up at the courthouse on the appointed date and time. Here is how my day went. [To be continued in Part II.]


Conrad Murray Verdict: GUILTY

This is ItThis is ItThis is It!  Michael Jackson supporters chanted that title to one of Jackson’s hit songs, and what would have been the billing for Jackson’s last concert tour, as the crowd anxiously waited outside of the LA County Courthouse, following the announcement that the jury had reached a verdict in the case of Dr. Conrad Murray.  Reportedly, a heavy police presence was available as crowds for and against Murray gathered around the building.

Anyone who has not been in a propofol coma during the past few months knows that Michael Jackson’s doctor has been on trial for involuntary manslaughter following his indictment in the icon’s death. Jackson died of acute propofol intoxication on June 25, 2009.   

The seven men and five women jury deliberated for about 10 hours following closing arguments last week. The twelve had the weekend off and came back today with a guilty verdict.   

Murray faces up to four years in prison and the loss of his medical license.


The Big C

“Cancer is the leading cause of death in economically developed countries.” That disturbing statement from the March/April 2011 issue of the Global Cancer Statistics report is in itself unsettling, but although the report attributes the increase in cancer to the “aging and growth of the world population,” what it fails to mention is that one of our greatest assets  – technology – is a huge contributor to the growing number of cancer cases.

While the GCS report references the numerous forms of cancer and suggests that cancer could be prevented through the application of diverse control factors including adhering to a healthy diet and regular exercise, the report makes no mention of cast-off electronic gadgets that could be a contributing factor to the disease.

An article recently published in The Washington Post is a real eye opener, Replacing Old Smart Phones with Newer Models Creates Environmental Problems.”   Read it. It may rock your world as it did mine.

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