Jury Duty – Part I of IV

Whoever said that time does not stand still obviously has never been called for jury duty. I have been summoned so many times that I have lost count. Once I was even unlucky enough to get chosen to serve. Yes, I said it. Unlucky. This is not a court of public opinion. You claim your luck and I’ll claim mine.

Those of you who have been summoned for jury duty know that it is primarily a waiting game that begins after you arrive at the jury office and sign in. If you have never been commanded to serve and are anticipating doing so, then whoppi-do for you. Perhaps you envision being a juror on the trial of a famous – or infamous – personality like Casey Anthony or Conrad Murray. Think possible sequestering. Think press-hounding. Think again.

However, if you are not counting the days before you get tagged, but are curious about the procedure, then let me give you an abbreviated version of Jury Duty 101 — in my town; highlights of the process of being summoned. Selection to actually serve on a jury will be another post for another day.

For adamant objectors — what may be your first clue that it is going to be a bad next few weeks begins when you take the jury summons from your mailbox. Oh, snap! The official document shows a time and date in the not too distant future, when you are expected to report to the courthouse. It also contains a Juror Qualification Form that includes several questions inquiring about your age, citizenship, employment status, and whether you are a felon. Rest assure that Big Brother already has the answers to those questions. Regardless, you are required to answer them honestly and then mail the form back in the prepaid envelope.

I received my most recent summons about six weeks ago, followed the instructions for returning the form, and showed up at the courthouse on the appointed date and time. Here is how my day went. [To be continued in Part II.]

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