Dedicated to Mrs. Sarah S. Pete — my Aunt Sarah

Without question we are all mortal beings, here for just a moment in time. But we may know people who possess such a tenacious spirit that – in our own wishful thinking – we believe that they will live forever. My Aunt Sarah was one of those people.

You touched so many hearts. Your parents and brothers who preceded you to the other side, your sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, husband, children, grandchildren, and friends – in some way, whether you greeted us with a heartwarming hug, or cheered us up when we were feeling down, or just made us laugh – you touched us all. We will forever remember your beautiful smile and your clever sense of humor; the jokes you always told that made us laugh; your compassion, generosity, kindness, and the unconditional love that you so freely gave. All that you were to each of us individually – was more than we could ever ask for. You had a way of making everyone feel special.

For me, personally, you were not just my Aunt Sarah, but a second mother. You were my close friend and confidant. When I find myself wondering why God called you home on Thanksgiving Day, I think that perhaps it was fitting, because – it’s not like I will ever forget you – but it will be an annual reminder that I am always thankful for the times we shared and the blessing of having had you in my life. And as much as I will miss you, I am also thankful that you will not have to suffer pain anymore. 

God gave our family an angel, and she was YOU, and every time we look at the sun shining brightly in the morning sky or the moon and stars at night, we will remember you, and forever hold you dear in our heart. You were a woman of strength and conviction and were always supportive of your immediate and extended family. You were a teacher in so many ways other than your chosen profession and you have surely left your inscription upon the world.

We will miss you so very much, Aunt Sarah, and we will love you always.


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