Hello World!

Welcome boomers to the baby boomers networking forum. You members of generations X, Y and Z, the alphabet soup group, are welcome also. A lot of you “soupsters” may think of boomers as over-the-hill old coots or cougars. Well, au contraire, countless numbers of us are youthful, energetic, effectual boomers and darned proud of it. While some among us are required to walk with a cane or depend on a wheel chair for mobility, many boomers are viable candidates for the Senior Olympics, and don’t you forget it!

Even in our golden years, we are just as energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic about life as you youngsters are. We reject the attitude that sixty IS sixty in favor of the more optimistic theory that sixty is the new fifty and each decade ahead of fifty is 10 years younger than the actual chronological age.  Call us idealists.  Call us dreamers, but just don’t call us antiques, because we aren’t buying it.  We are boomers and proud of it. Follow us on this site as we enlighten you about the freedom, the wisdom, and the charm of life on this side of the hill.

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