Race Matters

Here we go again in 2010. Another white person falsely accuses a black person of committing a crime against them. How long will this keep happening? When did it all begin? 

It certainly didn’t start in 1931, when nine black Scottsboro boys who allegedly gang raped two white girls on a Southern Railroad freight train in Tennessee were convicted in Scottsboro, Alabama. It didn’t start in October 1989, when Charles Stuart of Boston, Massachusetts invented a cock-and-bull story about a black gunman who forced his way into the car in which Stuart was driving with his wife in the passenger seat. Stuart claimed that the car was stopped at a stoplight, when the man climbed inside and ordered them to drive some distant before robbing them.  The man then opened fire, allegedly shooting Charles in the stomach and his pregnant wife, Carol, in the head killing her. A couple of months later Stuart further perpetuated his lie by picking a black man named Willie Bennett out of a police lineup and claiming that he was the shooter.  It didn’t begin with the act of deceitfulness in 1994, by Susan Smith who drove her car with her two sons into a river in Union, South Carolina then claimed that a black man had taken her car and kidnapped her sons. Here we are now in 2010 and Bethany Storro disfigures her own face with acid, and then concocts a story about a nonexistent black woman who allegedly threw the acid in her face. According to media reports Storro’s story began unraveling when she allegedly pulled out of a scheduled appearance on “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” fearful of the questions that she might be asked. If Storro’s fairy-tale wasn’t so tragic it would be laughable. An accusation made against a fictitious black woman is exposed by a reportedly planned meeting with a real, and powerful African American woman.

If any records exist of blacks falsely accusing whites of crimes, they cannot be nearly as numerous as the list of false accusations by whites against blacks. When is this race-based insanity going to end?  Not only do trumped-up accusations like these fan the smoldering fires of racial tension, but as history has proven, such blatant lies have caused innocent people to be hunted, prosecuted, convicted, imprisoned and killed.

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