I Hate Technology

The following is a “Guest Contributor” post.

“I hate technology.” If I had a dime . . . oh wait, we are in a recession. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that declaration, I would be a millionaire. In my profession, I work with a lot of people who despise technology. Some, but not all, are Baby Boomers. They come to me for assistance and I do my best to help them. In so doing, Ive noticed some trends when working with “tech-haters.”

One thing I have noticed is that some people dislike technology because they had a bad experience or simply don’t understand it. I believe that there are two things wrong with that attitude. The first is, technology is likely reducing operating costs at some corporations on some levels, so you can best believe you will see more and not less of it in the future.  Secondly, you should not hate something until you have taken the time to learn about it. Generally, once a person learns how to use a technical product or service that they once professed to hate, you can’t stop them from using it.

The Internet is loaded with resources to teach you just about anything you want to know about technology or anything else. Providing you have an Internet connection and some time, the sky is the limit. A simple search query at Google.com may reveal very specific instructions to help you with the problem you are having.

Other good resources that you may or may not be aware of are:

  • wikipedia.org – Good for understanding what something is and also good for background on a topic. Visit the site and search for the technical topic of your choice.
  • Youtube.com – Provides videos on a wide variety of topics. Visit the site and search for the technical topic of your choice.
  • Quikstarts.com – Excellent source for quick-read and simple instructions on technical products or services.
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